Additional Campus Affiliations
W. D. and Sara E. Trowbridge Professor, English
Professor, English
Professor, Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory
Professor, Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies
Highlighted Publications
Markley, R. (2006). The Far East and the English Imagination, 1600–1730. Cambridge University Press.
Markley, R. (2005). Dying Planet: Mars in Science and the Imagination. Duke University Press.
Markley, R. (1994). Fallen Languages: Crises of Representation in Newtonian England, 1660–1740. Cornell University Press.
Markley, R. (1988). Two-Edg'd Weapons: Style and Ideology in the Comedies of Etherege, Wycherley, and Congreve. Clarendon Press.
Markley, R. (2019). Kim Stanley Robinson. (Modern Masters of Science Fiction). University of Illinois Press.
Recent Publications
Markley, R. (2023). Defoe and the Pacific. In N. Seager, & J. A. Downie (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Daniel Defoe (pp. 544-561). (Oxford Handbooks). Oxford University Press.
Markley, R. (2023). Economics. In A. J. Rivero, & G. Justice (Eds.), Daniel Defoe in Context (pp. 305-329). (Literature in Context). Cambridge University Press.
Markley, R. (2023). Moving beyond “Why Mars?”. Science, 380(6646), 697.
Markley, R. (2022). The Draining of the Fens: Projectors, Popular Politics, and State Building in Early Modern England by Eric H. Ash (review). Technology and Culture, 63(3), 857-858.
Markley, R. (2022). The Novel and the Environment: Nature, Cultivation, and Alien Ecologies. In Handbook of the British Novel in the Long Eighteenth Century (pp. 123-138). De Gruyter.