Former Japanese language student, Justin Brook, just got a new job in Japan



Former Japanese language student, Justin Brook, graduated from the University of Illinois Spring of 2018 and studied abroad at Konan University through the Year-in-Japan Program for the spring semester of 2017. His major was linguistics with a minor in EALC. After two years of Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program, he's just gotten a new job in Japan. Congrats, we are so proud of you and wish you the best of luck!!!

"I studied Linguistics and Japanese Language/Culture in university. My specialty was sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics, mainly researching how people process incorrect sentences. As far as Japanese Language/Culture goes, I focused largely on pre/post-war Japan, especially post-war Japanese film."


More information:
Japanese Language Program
Undergraduate Program at East Asian Languages and Culture
Year in Japan
East Asian Languages and Cultures at Illinois
University of Illinois Department of Linguistics
#Japanese #Linguistic #Konan #JET #illinois1867 #UIUC