MCAA: Asia for Your Classroom: World History, Current Events, and Asian Studies


Thursday, October 15, 2020

7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time / 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Central Time

Open to Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, and Minnesota Teachers


Join Dr. Segal for a stimulating evening of learning as we explore ways to bring Asian content into your teaching.  We’ll provide historical context on current events from the news, discuss ways in which Asia fits into world history, literature, and culture curricula, and offer a preview of the Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs.  Get practical suggestions to help incorporate Asia into your teaching!  Receive complimentary access to the conference (Oct. 16 to 18)!  Whether you are already offering your students a lot of Asia content or considering ways to enhance your lessons, you’ll find lots of valuable tips in this single-evening program!


Dr. Segal is a historian of Japan, and a long time NCTA seminar leader and instructor for K-12 educators’ professional development programs.


OPEN TO: Middle & High School Teachers in the MCAA Region (Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas) who teach relevant subjects (world history, literature, language, culture, international relations, etc.)


BENEFITS: Along with amazing learning, the first twenty-five teachers who register and complete the evening program will be given a free year’s subscription to the journal Education About Asia. In addition, all teachers who complete the evening program will be given complimentary access to the MCAA conference (Oct. 16-18).



Space is limited. Event will be conducted via Zoom; link will be provided to accepted applicants.


QUESTIONS? Please Contact Dr. Ethan Segal at