Introduction to Manga By Kofi Bazzell-Smith on Nov 12, 2020, 5 PM CT


Introduction to Manga
By Kofi Bazzell-Smith
Nov 12, 2020 05:00 PM in Central Time (US and Canada)

Manga is the Japanese sequential art form, traditionally drawn in black and white, that combines story with cinematic visual design and spans multiple genres. A unique iteration of the graphic narrative imbued with Japanese sensibilities, history, and cultural idiosyncrasies, manga’s appeal led the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs to found the International Manga Award “for the purpose of expanding international exchange and mutual understanding.”

Kofi’s manga workshop covers the traditional Japanese 4-arc plot structure, Kishotenketsu, which is not taught outside of Japan.

Kofi Bazzell-Smith is an artist and competitive boxer. A U.S.-Japan Bridging Scholar, he has studied manga in Japan and teaches lectures and workshops on manga storytelling and techniques. His goals are to increase Black representation in the form and to build international bridges.

Please feel free to share this event and register if you are interested in attending. 


Introduction to Manga