CEAPS AY 2021-22 On-Site Service Needs Survey


Dear CEAPS Community,

I am writing to share an update on CEAPS operations and to seek your input.

CEAPS, along with our peer units at Illinois Global Institute, will be moving from our current offices in the International Studies Building and the Armory Building to the Coble Hall. Our occupancy in the building will be limited during the first year and gradually expanded as other current occupying units move out in the next 1-3 years. We do not have the logistical details (moving date, new office space allocation, building hours/access, etc.) yet but anticipate the move to be completed by the end of summer or early fall.

While our ultimate goal is to welcome everyone back to campus for lively in-person events, meetings, and drop-ins in our dedicated new space, the Fall 2021 programs and events have been planned and will be hosted virtually on Zoom to accommodate the space constraints and to serve a wider audience. We will evaluate and explore a new model for Spring 2022 based on feedback and expectations from the community later this fall.

In the meantime, we are developing a transition plan to continue our service to faculty, students, and the public. In accordance with campus guidance, we are planning a gradual transition to bring staff back to office safely, with considerations for productivity, community needs, and near-term space constraints in the new shared building. I hope you will take a minute to complete the survey form here to help us understand your needs and preferences for on-site, virtual, or hybrid services. Please reply to the survey by 11:59 pm CT on 7/6/2021 (Tue.). Your input will be used to help guide our scheduling and collaborative space planning with our colleagues at IGI.

Survey URL: https://surveys.illinois.edu/sec/815415541

Many thanks for your help,

Misumi Sadler
Director, Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies

CEAPS AY 2021-22 On-Site Service Needs Survey