2021 Global Education Symposium, October 20-24, 2021


Please join us at the 2021 Global Education Symposium at the College of Education! Global Education Symposium is a four-day event with opportunities to engage with scholars from around the world, engage in professional development activities, participate in informal networking activities, and more! Register Now to attend! Please visit our conference page for conference schedule and more!



We invite scholarship that studies education - including in the workplace, online spaces, informal learning contexts, and more - with a lens that situates these educational settings within broader economic, political, social, and cultural contexts. Because of the interconnectedness of our world, studying local contexts with a global lens provides a fuller understanding of both local and global phenomena. It is our hope that research studies with a variety of topics and employing a variety of methodologies - including interpretive, qualitative, and quantitative - will enhance our understanding of key educational issues around the world.

We invite scholarship that studies education broadly defined — this includes education:

  • Education in the 
    • workplace
    • online space
    • informal settings
  • Education’s intersection with
    • culture
    • religion
    • language
    • youth
    • digitization
    • conflict and post-conflict
    • political economy
    • sociopolitical phenomena (e.g., migration; globalization; neoliberalization)
    • environment (e.g., responses to climate change; sustainable development; environmental education; agronomics)
    • citizenship building (e.g., national citizenship; digital citizenship; cosmopolitan citizenship; Global Citizenship Education)
    • United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
    • Covid-19 pandemic (e.g., curricular changes; instructional methods; technology, e-fatigue)
  • Novel and renewed theoretical and philosophical interventions in education 
    • critical theory; political sociology of education; power in education
    • indigenous epistemologies
    • anti-colonial, post-colonial, anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist

We invite scholars to address these broad categories in any way they see fit. 

It is in our understanding that our world is becoming more interconnected than ever. Studying local contexts with a global lens provides a fuller understanding of both local and global phenomena. It is our hope that research studies with a variety of topics and employing a variety of methodologies - including interpretive, theoretical, qualitative, and quantitative - will enhance our understanding of key educational issues around the globe.

2021 Global Education Symposium