SP22 BTAA Korean Studies course announcement


EALC 398 BTA: Dating, Sex, and Marriage in South Korea
3:55 PM- 5:10 PM on TR

This course examines the ever-changing social phenomena of dating, sex, and marriage in contemporary South Korean society. The turbulent recent history of Korea has produced a society that is engaged with a variety of local and global social forces in complex and contradictory ways. The sweeping social changes in South Korean society have redefined and forced its people to re-examine itself, and its relation to such basic ideas as gender, sexuality, class, family and tradition. This course pays special attention to the process of compressed modernization that South Korea experienced in recent decades and to its resultant social changes that came into being during this process. The behavior of Koreans' dating, sex, and marriage have been the focal site where these changes have been reflected most saliently. The two main questions that are explored throughout the course are: What kind of modern society is South Korea becoming as a consequence of all these rapid economic and social changes? How do Koreans adjust and negotiate these changes in the realm of dating, sex, and marriage? This course will be offered online via BTAA CourseShare (Indiana University, Prof. John Finch) and will be taught synchronously utilizing Zoom.

EALC 398 CIC: Global Korean diasporas
2-3:20 PM on TR

Colonialism, war, and national division have resulted in substantial communities of ethnic Koreans in Central Asia, China, Japan, and the United States, as well as Canada, South America, and Europe. By examining the histories of ethnic Koreans in these places, we will explore issues of migration, diaspora, race, policies regarding minorities, and colonialism. We will also take a fresh look at 20th century Korean history, demonstrating how diaspora and emigration are critical to understanding national history. This class will be offered online via Big Ten Academic Alliance CourseShare (Northwestern University, taught by Prof. Ji-Yeon Yuh) and will be taught synchronously utilizing Zoom.

Please feel free to let 
Jeeyoung Ahn Ha (j-ahn3@illinois.edu), Director of the Korean Language Program, know if you have any questions about the courses!