AACC Internship Program 2022-2023 - Now Accepting Applications


The AACC internship program provides students an opportunity to undertake creative and challenging assignments that promote cross-cultural understanding and provide educational and cultural support for Asians and Asian Americans in our university community.

Internship recruitment is open to all University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign undergraduate students and majors. Domestic and international student applicants welcome. First and second-year students are also highly encouraged to apply.

This unique experience will be offered as a 2-unit Global Studies 199 class where interns will attend a weekly seminar to develop professional skills and learn about Asian American and Asian international identities. All student interns must register for the 2-unit class.

Primary Responsibilities:

Assist with front desk reception duties, opening, and closing buildings approx. 4 hours per week. Attend GLBL 199 weekly seminars which include:

· Weekly class meeting on Tuesdays 2:00 – 3:30pm

· Readings, interactive projects, and response papers

· Cross-cultural explorations

AACC Interns can pursue one or more of the following specializations:

Office Support: Assist in managing space reservations, electronic records, inventory, book keeping, databases, logs, scheduling and resources.

Event Programming: Support programs including Food for Thought, Diwali, Lunar New Year, South Asian Leadership Conference, Art Exhibits, Eid, Book Club, Leadership Awards and more.

Marketing/Media Communications: Assist with e-newsletter, website, advertising AACC events via social media and university calendars, flyers, photography, bulletin boards, social media and other forms of media venues. Experience with Adobe Creative Suites is preferred.

Apply to be an AACC intern in just two easy steps!

Step 1: Attend an info session at the AACC. Learn more about the internship and hear directly from current interns

Step 2: Apply online. Link to the Application: https://go.illinois.edu/AACCInternship22

Required Information Sessions:

Thursday, February 10, 2022 from 5:00 – 6:00pm

Tuesday, February 15, 2022 from 4:00 – 5:00pm

Location: AACC 1st Floor Lounge


Friday, Feb. 25th at 11:59pm

Have questions? Contact: Jennifer Mendez (mendez6@illinois.edu)

AACC Internship Program 2022-2023