CEAPS Affiliated Faculty & Grad Student Travel Grant


The Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies is pleased to announce our AY 2022-23 travel grant programs in support of faculty and graduate student conference presentations and dissertation research.

CEAPS Affiliated Faculty Conference Travel Grant

The CEAPS Affiliated Faculty Conference Travel Grant is open to any CEAPS affiliated faculty from all departments and colleges. You must be a current faculty affiliate and have a paper accepted in a conference to apply. Applications are evaluated semi-annually by the CEAPS Advisory Board. Preference will be given to conference presentations with strong East Asian and Pacific Studies focus at national and international conferences.  Applications are due on the first Friday of the Fall and Spring semesters. The proposed travel should take place during the 12 months following the award. The number of awards is determined each year based on funding availability. For AY 2022-23, at least 6 awards (up to $1,000 for domestic travel/up to $2,000 for international travel) will be awarded per semester. Awards will be offered as reimbursement for travel. The deadline to submit applications for Fall 2022 consideration is Friday, August 26, 2022. The awards will be announced in October 2022. The proposed travel should take place no later than October 31, 2023.

Fall 2022 Faculty Travel Grant Application Form


CEAPS Graduate Student Travel Grant

The CEAPS Graduate Student Travel Grant provides travel awards for graduate students to present papers at professional conferences or to conduct dissertation research in East Asia, Southeast Asia, and the greater Pacific region. Applications are reviewed and approved semi-annually by the CEAPS Advisory Board. For conference travel, preference will be given to preference will be given to conference presentations with strong East Asian and Pacific Studies focus at national and international conferences.  For dissertation travel, the board considers the necessity for travel, the significance, coherence, and feasibility of the proposed research as determined from the proposal, and letters of support. Doctoral students who are not able to conduct fieldwork oversea due to travel restrictions may request support to conduct research in the States. The number of awards is determined each year based on funding availability. For AY 2022-2023, at least 8 conference travel awards (up to $600 for domestic travel/up to $1,000 for international travel) and at least 1 dissertation research travel award will be granted per semester. Awards will be offered as reimbursement for travel.

The deadline to submit applications for Fall 2022 consideration is Friday, August 26, 2022. The awards will be announced in October 2022.

Fall 2022 Graduate Student Travel Grant Online Application Form



Please direct all questions to CEAPS Associate Director Yuchia Chang at yuchia@illinois.edu