14th Student Panel: Career and Internship Opportunities in Japan 10/17 7-8PM EDT


14th Annual Student Panel: Career and Internship Opportunities in Japan

Are you interested in an internship and/or a job in Japan? Join us at the Panel where we learn from our fellow students and alumni who had these experiences. The talk will include the topics such as job hunting, work, use of Japanese language at work, cross-cultural issues, challenges, and achievements. You can ask more
questions in the following Q &A sessions. The panel is conducted in English. 


Student and Alumni Panelists: 

Roger Lee (College, Class of 2018) , Delta Airlines           

Tracey Woods Jr. (Wharton, Class of 2018), Amazon Japan                                                            

Navmi Sharma (College, Class of 2023), Institute of Cultural Affairs in Japan 


Zoom Info: 


Passcode:  998343 


Panel Chair: Tomoko Takami, Director of the Japanese Language Program 


This event is sponsored by the Japanese Language Program, University of Pennsylvania

Career and Internship Opportunities in Japan