CEAPS Grad Student Travel Grant and IGI Grad Language Fellowship Awardees


The Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies is pleased to announce the awardees for AY 2023-2024 IGI Graduate Language Fellowships and Spring 2023 CEAPS Graduate Student Travel Grants.

IGI Graduate Language Fellowships
Langston Neuburger (EALC, Japanese)
Rebecca Stover (History & Library and Information Science, Japanese)
Shuo Zhang (EALC, Korean)

CEAPS Graduate Student Conference and Dissertation Research Travel Grants
Myung Jung Kim (Political Science; Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference 2023)
Katherine Kwak (Linguistics; National Council for the Less Commonly Taught Languages Annual Conference 2023)
Lingyan Liu (History; Association for Asian Studies 2023 Annual Conference)
Lucie Lu (Political Science; Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference 2023)
Kyoko Sawada (EALC; ASIANetwork Conference 2023)
Yuefan Wang (EALC; Association for Asian Studies 2023 Annual Conference)
Arya Budi (Political Science; field research in Indonesia)

The IGI Graduate Language Fellowship provides support for critical language training necessary to fields of academic and professional development for UIUC graduate students.

The CEAPS Graduate Student Travel Grant provides travel awards for graduate students to present papers at professional conferences or to conduct dissertation research in East Asia, Southeast Asia, and the greater Pacific region. This year we have awarded both the Conference and Dissertation Research Travel Grants.