KOR 201: Elementary Korean I

KOR 201: Elementary Korean I

KOR 201: Elementary Korean I
Credit: 5 hours.
Meets 06/12/23-08/03/23 (T/R)

Description: First semester of Korean for students without any background of the Korean language, starting from the Korean alphabet (Hangul) and learning basic grammar, vocabulary, and commonly used expressions, to achieve beginning level of speaking, listening, reading, writing, and basic grammar skills in Korean.

Summer KOR 201 course will be offered as an online course where students are required to study and practice the materials on their own and meet synchronously for 2 hours on TR (2 days a week). This course will be offered in a flipped format, and will provide a communicative learning environment through Zoom, Google Doc, Padlet, Quizlet , and Flip. This course will be taught online using Canvas.

Note: KOR 201 is for those with no Korean background. Students who have Korean background or have previously taken a course(s) in Korean must take the Korean placement test. Call 244-1432 for more information on the placement test.