04/28/2021 - The Robert E. Brown Center for World Music celebrates I Ketut Gede Asnawa & family with a video premiere of new Balinese music and dance on Saturday, May 1, 2021. Ensembles featured in this...
04/27/2021 - FRIDAY, APRIL 30TH, 2021 7:00pm CDT REGISTER HERE: https://illinois.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_uSJvujypRIGpINOWbquYUA...
04/21/2021 - Dr. Yoon Pak, Professor and Head in the Department of Education Policy, Organization, and Leadership (EPOL), will give an opening address...
04/14/2021 - LAS is looking to the future of LAS 100 (course supporting first-year international students) and the ...
04/02/2021 - The Asian American Cultural Center has a growing collection of anti-Asian racism and xenophobia resources on their website (https://oiir.illinois.edu/aacc...
03/30/2021 - Applications Now Open: Teachers Collaborating across Borders 2021-2022 - Virtual Exchange Program for US and Middle East/North African Teachers The TCAB program is a unique...
03/26/2021 - CEAPS was so proud our former direct Nancy Abelmann was recognized for the 2021 distinguished contribution to Asian Studies award. We miss you so much! --- 2021 Honoree: Nancy Abelmann (Posthumous...
03/25/2021 - Please join the International and Foreign Language Education (IFLE) office for a language learning showcase via YouTube premiere on Tuesday, March 30 at 2:00 p.m. ET! The panel discussion will...
03/18/2021 - "Intern with Illinois alumni in China!" Summer 21 internship opportunities @ ...
03/18/2021 - CEAPS/EALC Joint Statement Dear CEAPS and EALC members and affiliates, A recent rise in anti-Asian violence has heightened awareness of the importance of inclusion and diversity of...
03/17/2021 - The Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign invites K-12 and community college educators and...
03/15/2021 - "...
03/15/2021 - 2021-22 Postdoctoral Fellow in East Asian Studies, Slavic Studies, and the Problem of Crisis The Ohio State University, Columbus The ...
03/08/2021 - Please join the inaugural LAS Social Innovation Forum on Saturday, March 20 at 10am via Zoom. Participants of the ...
03/03/2021 - 2021 Global Teacher...