10/13/2021 - The world's largest job fair for Japanese-English bilinguals is currently being held online. CFN staff will hold an online info session designed to provide participants with useful information...
09/30/2021 - To promote inter-disciplinary interactions, discussions, and critiques about the role of Southeast Asian and South Asian visual art in Asian Studies, the Association for Asian Studies is pleased to...
09/27/2021 - Dr. Fionnuala Ní Aoláin, University of Minnesota Law School September 30 7:00pm CST Virtual via Zoom: https://illinois....
09/16/2021 - The Critical Language Scholarship, provided by the U.S. Department of State, is a fully-funded, intensive overseas language and cultural immersion program for undergraduate and graduate students. A...
07/22/2021 - Virtual Reunion Meeting Hosted by the Japan Illini Club Saturday, July 31, 2021 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Japan time Find your local time using this ...
07/12/2021 - Gov. Pritzker Signs Historic Legislation Requiring Asian American History to be Taught in Public Schools Illinois is the First State in the Nation to Require the Curriculum...
07/12/2021 - Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies AEMS Library Graduate Assistant 25%-33% Graduate Assistant, Fall 2021 The Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies (CEAPS) is currently...
06/28/2021 - Dear CEAPS Community, I am writing to share an update on CEAPS operations and to seek your input. CEAPS, along with our peer units at Illinois Global Institute, will be moving from our current...
06/17/2021 - With the move to open campus and public spaces initiated by the Chancellor, we are pleased to let you know that the International and Area Studies Library will reopen on the 28th of June 2021. Our...
06/15/2021 - Seen and Unseen is the first-ever exhibit focused on Nikkei (Japanese Americans) who were involved in intimate same-sex relationships or defied gender roles in the early 20th century. The exhibition...
06/08/2021 - Please join us Sunday, June 20 at 4pm as we present Japan House Shares KARUTA, the card game, with Assistant Director of Academic Programming, Lindsey Stirek. Karuta refers to many different types...
05/18/2021 - “Not many Americans know about Asian American history, and even Asian American students do not know about their history,” said Wei Liu, UI associate director of International Programs. “In Illinois,...
05/15/2021 - Andrea Wang, pictured in the lower right corner of the screen, virtually reads from her latest picture book, ‘Watercress,’ on Friday to the kindergarten/first grade classroom at University Primary...
05/12/2021 - "Exploring the Impacts of Human Disease throughout History" The 2021 International Studies Summer Institute (ISSI), a professional development workshop for practicing and pre-service K-12 teachers...
04/30/2021 - The School of Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is offering a unique learning opportunity in the form of the Intensive Foreign Language...