01/28/2022 - The AACC internship program provides students an opportunity to undertake creative and challenging assignments that promote cross-cultural understanding and provide educational and cultural support...
01/21/2022 - Introduction to Scholarly Research is a multipart instruction program designed to assist undergraduate and graduate students with the various stages of the research process. It is the goal of these...
01/07/2022 - For anyone interested in taking more courses at Japan House, please check out this unique and exciting hybrid course (2 credit hours) for Spring 2022 - ARTJ 391: Japanese Traditional...
12/06/2021 - GLOBE connects current and new, domestic and international students and teams them up in small groups to participate in various activities and events throughout the semester. Applications Spring 2022...
12/06/2021 - ARTJ 398: Designing Everyday Life in Modern Japan 4-6:40 PM on F Why do Japanese things look and work the way they do? In ARTJ 398, we seek to answer this question, looking deeply into the cultural...
11/29/2021 - EALC 398 BTA: Dating, Sex, and Marriage in South Korea 3:55 PM- 5:10 PM on TR This course examines the ever-changing social phenomena of dating, sex, and marriage in contemporary South Korean...
11/29/2021 - Greetings! We are currently conducting a survey study about the needs and experiences of Asian American and Pacific Islander students, faculty, and staff on college campuses in the US. Please...
11/22/2021 - INTERCULTURAL EYE FOR ART: INDIANA-HIROSHIMA STUDENT ART EXCHANGE FOR BECOMING A GLOBAL CITIZEN October 21, 2021 – January 16, 2022 From 2015, educators from Hiroshima and Indiana have been...
11/19/2021 - "UIUC Asian American Cultural Center - Assistant Director" Required: Bachelor's degree (master’s preferred), two years professional experience in higher education Application close date: 12/1/2021...
11/12/2021 - On November 16 at 12 pm CT on Zoom, Sherry L. Martin (Acting Asia Division Chief in the U.S. Department of State's Office of Opinion Research) will give a talk that provides a...
10/22/2021 - On October 26 at 12pm, current and recent graduate students are invited to a career exploration panel focusing on using foreign language, area studies, and thematic studies in the...
10/20/2021 - John D. Wong Associate Professor of Hong Kong Studies, Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong Tuesday, October 26, 2021 - 7:30pm to 9:00pm ET...
10/20/2021 - Please join us at the 2021 Global Education Symposium at the College of Education! Global...
10/19/2021 - 2021 MCAA Presidential Panel: "Power, Culture, Democracy: China's Rising Influences in Asia?" Friday, October 29th, 2021, 7:00 PM Eastern Time Chair: Po-Shek Fu, University of Illinois China and...
10/18/2021 - On October 20 at 12pm, Dr. Thea Quiray Tagle (University of Massachusetts Boston), Dr. Anita Haldemann (Kunstmuseum Basel), Dr. Sooa Im McCormick (...