

CEAPS Wanxiang Fellowship Program Header with an image of the Great Wall of China


The Illinois Wanxiang Fellows Program, sponsored by the Wanxiang Group, is a competitive fellowship program open to University of Illinois undergraduate students at the Urbana, Chicago, and Springfield campuses. The program offers a unique opportunity for students to study environmental issues and renewable energy in China while gaining exposure to Chinese language and culture. The majority of the travel and program costs will be covered by the Wanxiang Fellows Program.

The Wanxiang Fellows Program at UIUC is administered by the Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies in consultation with a committee of interdisciplinary faculty advisors. UIUC Faculty advisors will select the fellows and serve as academic mentors throughout the program. UIUC, UIS, and UIC faculty and staff chaperones will accompany fellows from all three campuses during the summer study in China.

Fellows will participate in a series of orientation seminars with faculty advisors in Spring 2020, complete their four-week study in China in Summer 2020, and present individual or group research reports at the Illinois Wanxiang Fellows Symposium in Fall 2020. Program dates and requirements are tentative and subject to change.